Stoma Stats
1 in 335 people in the UK have a stoma
That's roughly 167,000 ostomates
Same Sh!t; D!fferent Way® - What's that all about?
As a new ostomate, a lot of the online talk was generally about the negative side of having a stoma. I want to concentrate on the positive side so we can try and minimise the stigma behind having a stoma.
One of my favourite responses when someone asks how I am (before my ileostomy) is “Same sh*t, different day!” Post surgery, I would still respond that way until one day, a slip of the tongue made me say “Same sh*t, different way!” Whether that was a Freudian slip or not, I don’t know, but it got me thinking. That’s essentially my life now, it’s still the same sh*t coming out, just in a different way (via a stoma). That’s when “Same Sh!t; D!fferent Way®” was born and I wanted to use that as a way to explain, in simple terms, that having a stoma does not make us a different person, we just sh*t in a different way now.
I will be blogging with experiences I go through, interviews/stories with other ostomates, useful information and links to useful sources, and generally anything else I come across that helped me.